"World Around Us"
Illustrations for the book of Галина Корицька "Світ навколо нас" (Galina Koritskaya "World Around Us")

"Little Bear Woke up"
Illustrations for the book by Олена Шевчук "І Ведмедик прокинувся" (Elena Shevchuk "Little Bear Woke up")

"А раптом ваш кіт має рацію" (untranslatable play on words)
Development of illustrations for Savchenko's book "A раптом ваш кіт має рацію"

Illustrations for the book by Galyna Korytska "Foxy-merchantess" Иллюстрации для книги Галины Корицкой «Лисичка-коммерсантка»

"Traveling through Ukraine"
Volunteer project in favor of resettled children fleeing war

"Find Hidden Object"

"My Dog"
Vector illustration for the book of Mojca Stubelj Ars "My Dog"

"Maze adventures. 32 Colorful Journeys for Kids"

"Puzzles. Riddles. Activity Book"